Product Details

Product Information

The Boron Nitride is an aerosol temperature release primer.

This type of primer can be used on ceramic moulds but is ideal for stainless steel moulds because you do not need to heat them for the primer to adhere;

  • You can spray on the Boron Nitride at room temperature.
  • Apply 3-4 light coats.
  • 70-75 linear yards of primer. 
  • Excellent release properties with low layer thicknesses
  • Not recommended for casting temperatures
  • Great for slumping temperatures and stainless steel moulds.

Size: 16.6 oz

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Customer Reviews

Based on 2 reviews
Beverly Todd

I use this on my Stainless Steel Moulds and can't rate it enough. 4-5 thin coats has given me multiple firings without any issue. Clean release from the mould every time. A lot cheaper than ZYP and does the job!

Susan Townsend

I thought I
